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Standardized Test Preparation

**For all standardized testing, students will typically need two or three No. 2 pencils and a calculator.

Frequently Asked Questions
When should I start taking the SAT/ACT?
Every student is different. However, I encourage students to start taking these tests at the end of their sophomore year. That way, by their junior year, students should be comfortable and familiar with the format and intensity of these tests and can focus on increasing their scores. I advise for students to have taken both tests two times (ACT twice and SAT twice) by the end of the first semester of their junior year. That way, they can focus on increasing the score of one of these tests during the second semester.
Is the SAT better than the ACT?  Or vice versa?
Not at all! Most colleges accept both test scores, so it does not matter if you perform better on one over another. In fact, it is extremely normal to do better on one or prefer one format over the other. These are two different types of tests, and every student has his or her own strengths! By the end of the first semester of your junior year, you should have and idea of which test to focus on in the spring.  
How do I register for these tests?
There are two different types of test dates. Each semester, TCS offers on-campus test dates for students to take these tests at Trinity during the school day. These are only offered once a semester, and registration will be offered through the academic office.
Another option is a national test date. These test dates are on Saturday and are offered several times each semester. These are off campus at Dublin High School or East Laurens High School. You will register for these through the links listed below. You will have to create an ACT or SAT account if it is your first time taking the test.
You will have to create an account to send test scores your senior year!

TCS cannot send your test scores to colleges for you!


Click Here for SAT Registration


Click Here for Test Dates


If you would like more information about the SAT, click here.



Click Here for ACT Registration


Click Here for Test Dates


If you would like more information about the ACT, click here.

ACT vs. SAT?


Though we encourage all students to take both tests at least twice, some students perform better on one test over the other. To learn about the differences and find out which test may be better for you, click one of the links below:


Kaplan Review on ACT vs. SAT


Princeton Review on ACT vs. SAT

Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery

This test is administered to determine qualification for enlistment into the United States Armed Forces. If you are interested in military service after high school, see your school counselor so she can connect with a military recruit.


For more information and sample questions used on the ASVAB, please click here!

Test Preparation Tips

Reducing Test Anxiety

When taking a standardized test, is so important to minimize the amount of test anxiety to as little as possible. Test anxiety occurs when students worry excessively about doing "well" academically. This can actually have negative effects on performance and cause students to become extremely nervous and even forget material they studied and actually know! 


Follow the tips below to help reduce test anxiety and perform better on tests:


**The most effective way to reduce anxiety is to be prepared and comfortable with the material being tested.


** Don’t cram! Schedule your studying over a few days (or weeks) to review material in chunks. Do not wait until the night before to study!


**Stay positive and don’t beat yourself down. You can do it! Make sure you keep this positive attitude before and during the test.


**Try exercising a few days before to reduce stress.


**Make sure you get a good night’s sleep before the test.


**If allowed, have gum/peppermints with you to help you focus and relieve stress.


**Relax! If you get nervous during the test, take a few deep breaths.


**Make sure you read the directions before working. If you are confused with the instructions, ask for help.


**When you first receive the test, take a glance at the entire test so you can have an idea of which problems will take you the longest time.


**Do the simple questions first. This will help build your confidence and will help with time management!


**If you get stuck, move to a different problem. Don’t waste your time on one question.


**If the questions are weighted differently, do the problems that have the greatest point values first.


**Write down key facts, formulas, definitions, etc. out to the side so you can refer back to them as needed.


**Do not compare yourself to someone else, especially in terms of speed. Just stay focused and concentrated on your own test.


**If you don’t know an answer, skip it and come back to it if you have time. Keep in mind that you are not perfect and can get a few questions wrong and still do well.


**Focus on what you are working on. Do not have your mind thinking about two different problems, or something unrelated to the test.

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